The code for this routine is
;; Delays for RS_TICKS less a fixed value (9 is the current value)
;; currently depends on 6Mhz clock! - possible bug in that it delays for
;; 70 cycles (total 79) where RS_TICKS is 78 (see next bit for reason)
;; For 10Mhz operation  :
;; RS_TICKS will be 130.2 hence we either creep back by 0.2 or add an extra
;;   cycle and creep forward 0.8.
;; Given how close Denis starts to the bits leading edge, I suspect that he
;;   delibarately added the extra cycle at 6Mhz to cause forward creep rather
;;   than back.
;; I shall do likewise and cause a delay for 122 cycles after 8 bits this only
;;   puts us 6/1/2 cycles futher along along (8%) anyway.
;; I wont do this here tho! i shall add it to RS_TICKS at the top

;; Smallest delay possible with this routine is 19 cycles (38400 @ 4Mhz clock
;; is possible using 26 cycles so i dont think its an issue )
;; Uses TEMP_0 and TEMP_1 and 7 instrctions
;; Delay comprises of
;;   9 - static value
;;   2 - call to get here
;;   6 - routine overhead
;;   (n*3) - where n is number of loops required
;;  -1 - (-1 coz last time round  loop only executes 2 cycles not 3)
;;   r - where r is (n mod 3) to get number of extras leftover
;; We need to calculate sumber of times round loop which is RS_TICKS less the
;;   static values (9+2+6-1)=16

if (WAIT_LOOPS < 1)
        movwf       TEMP_1      ; (1) store w to temp_1
        movlw       WAIT_LOOPS  ; (1) get number of loops to do
WAIT_CYCLES set (WAIT_CYCLES - (WAIT_LOOPS*3)); calc number of spare cycles
        movwf       TEMP_0      ; (1) store literal in TEMP_0
        movf        TEMP_1,W    ; (1) recover w from TEMP_1
        decfsz      TEMP_0,F    ; (1) decrement and jump if zero
        goto        _tx_delay   ; (2(1 if skipped)) go back round loop
                                ; we are one cycle down coz the goto got missed
                                ;   have to account for it with a nop
if (WAIT_CYCLES == 1)
        nop                     ; (1)
if (WAIT_CYCLES == 2)
        goto _delay_x_9_next2   ; (2)
        return                  ; (2)

Hopefuly with all those comments its fairly self explanatory.